Service-Learning Newsletter

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November 20, 2018

Dear Friends,

Between our late April snows and the fact that our recent October weather set a record for earliest measurable snowfall, it’s no surprise that the summer flew by! Here we are again with another academic year underway and a host of service-learning classes to highlight! As our program develops, we will continue to see new service-learning courses take shape, but we will also start to witness how connections between already-existing courses and their community partners deepen over time. This newsletter gives an example of both. You’ll read about the Mass Communications Senior Seminar, which has been offering support to local organizations for three semesters now, as well as a brand new special topics course, Discovering Atchison, which incorporates service-learning and other hands-on learning experiences in order to foster curiosity and community engagement. Both the new and the sustained partnerships are important to the long-term vitality of the Center for Service-Learning. I hope you enjoy reading about them! Keep an eye out for our December newsletter, which will showcase service-learning in our Digital Illustration course. Until then, happy fall!

Thank you,

Meredith Stoops
Coordinator of Service-Learning