Philosophy – Degree Requirements

Requirements For The Professional Major In Philosophy

  • PHIL-2010, Logic
  • PHIL-2310, Philosophy of Nature*
  • PHIL-2550, Philosophical Psychology
  • PHIL-3250, Ethics
  • PHIL-3730, Metaphysics
  • PHIL-3740, Natural Theology

plus one course in early philosophy, chosen from:

  • PHIL-4010, Ancient Philosophy
  • PHIL-4020, Medieval Philosophy
  • PHIL-4030, Islamic Philosophy

plus one course in later philosophy, chosen from:

  • PHIL-4040, Early Modern Philosophy
  • PHIL-4050, Modern Continental Philosophy
  • PHIL-4060, Modern Anglo-American Philosophy

plus PHIL4900, Seminar and PHIL-SRCOMP

plus three other Philosophy courses

Requirements For Co-Majors In Philosophy

  • PHIL-2010, Logic
  • PHIL-2310, Philosophy of Nature*
  • PHIL-2550, Philosophical Psychology
  • PHIL-3250, Ethics
  • PHIL-3730, Metaphysics
  • PHIL-3740, Natural Theology

plus one course in the history of philosophy, chosen from:

  • PHIL-4010, Ancient Philosophy
  • PHIL-4020, Medieval Philosophy
  • PHIL-4030, Islamic Philosophy
  • PHIL-4040, Early Modern Philosophy
  • PHIL-4050, Modern Continental Philosophy
  • PHIL-4060, Modern Anglo-American Philosophy

plus two other Philosophy courses

  • PHIL-SRCOMP, Senior Comprehensive Examination
  • Recomended: PHIL4900, Seminar

Requirements For A Minor In Philosophy

  • PHIL-2010, Logic
  • PHIL-2310, Philosophy of Nature*

plus four other Philosophy courses

*Philosophy majors and minors may substitute PHIL-1750, Principles of Nature, for PHIL-2310, Philosophy of Nature. PHIL-2310, Philosophy of Nature, also satisfies the college’s core requirement in philosophy.

The minimum percentage of credits that must be completed at Benedictine College for both majors in philosophy is 60% and for the minor in philosophy is 50%.

2023-2024 Philosophy Course Details